Nowrouz is the most important and colorful Iranian festival, the New Year celebration, the beginning of spring. New Year starts at the exact moment of vernal equinox which is celebrated at March 20 to 22 each year.
Nowrouz has been celebrated over 3000 years ago when Zoroastrian ritual and tribes were popular in Iran. They believed all physical, spiritual and moral will end in total victory for the good. Nowruz is rebirth of nature, renewal of growth and regain strength.
This festival contains some activities:
- Haft Sin table Display: Iranians put seven angelic heralds of life. All these things' names start with sound "s".
- Relative meetings: family, friends and mostly relatives meet each other in their house and eat sweets, chocolates and nuts, listen to music and have fun. Sometimes people travel to visit their family. Older people give money or gifts to children as the New Year's present.
- Sizdah Bedar: The 13th day, the last day of holidays is called "Nature Day". In this day people usually bring food and snacks to the nature. They play and have fun in jungles, parks and villages around their hometown.
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