021 88 80 00 55 4am-5pm GMT
Iranian transport is of high quality, and very affordable. There are few places the very cheap buses...
Miners worked primarily by hand until the early 1960s, and mine owners moved the ore to refining cen...
Iran's defense industry has taken great strides in the past 25 years, and now manufactures many type...
Wide range of temperature fluctuation in different parts of the country and the multiplicity of clim...
With an area of 1,648,000 square kilometers, Iran is among twenty biggest countries in the world. Ir...
Due to its historical background and sustainable social and cultural evolution, has a lot of diverse...
Recent archaeological studies indicate that as early as 10,000 BC, people lived on the southern shor...
The currency in Iran, or the money used, is called the rial (pronounced ‘reeyaal’). The ...