آوای ارسباران
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If you have ever travelled to Iran and visited beautiful natural places like jungles, desert or wetlands and you have photos of those memorise, please read following details.


If it ever happened to you to travel to Iran, you may know this country has different types of climates. Because of these varieties, the habitats and wildlife of Iran is really rich and unique. Many kinds and different species of mammals, birds, and reptiles can be found in Iran's nature.

www.earthforeveryone.org holds a contest with the subject of "Iran's Wildlife" in 2017, the aim of this contest is raising awareness for endangered wildlife of Iran to get international attention towards it.

The theme of the photos should be one of these: Wildlife portraits, Habitats and Landscape of wildlife, Endangered Animals.

Joining this contest is free for everyone with any nationality but the photo should be taken in Iran. The participants have to submit their photos until June 30th in http://earthforeveryone.org/photo-contest-2017/.

Photos will be shown in a photo gallery in Stockholm Sweden and also in London. Later we would like to use the best pictures for documentation of Iran wildlife for UN.

So if you travelled to Iran or you are going to visit this beautiful country before the end of June. Do not forget to visit Persian flora and fauna and take photos. Who knows?! Maybe you're supposed to be the winner.




نرگس کاظمی فر
user Banafsheh Khoshnevis
pen International Relations

Iranian Culture
Nature of Iran
visit Iran

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